Know the audience response system at One Clickers

know more about an audience response system at One Clickers. actually a lot of who wrote it. even in the wikipedia site says: "Audience response is a type of interaction associated with the use of audience response systems, to create interactivity Between a presenter and his / her audience. Systems for co-located audiences combine wireless hardware with presentation software, and systems May use a remote audiences for telephones or web polls for audiences watching through television or the Internet. In educational settings, Such systems are Often called "student response systems" or "personal response systems." The hand-held remote control That students use to Convey Their responses to questions is Often Called a "clicker."

One Click review of the benefits of audience response include:

There are many Reasons for the use of audience response systems (ARS). The tendency to answer based on crowd psychology is reduced Because, unlike hand raising, it is Difficult to see the which selection others are making. The ARS Also allows for faster tabulation of answers for large groups Than manual methods. Additionally, many college professors use ARS systems to take attendance or grade answers in large lecture halls, the which would be highly time-consuming without the system.
Audience response offers many potential benefits to those WHO use it in group settings.

* Improve attentiveness: In a study done at four University of Wisconsin campuses (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, and University of Wisconsin-Whitewater), faculty members and students in courses using Clickers That were the resource persons given a survey assessed Their Attitudes about clicker use in Fall 2005 and its effect on teaching and learning. Of the 27 faculty members responded to the WHO survey, 94 percent Either Agreed Agreed or strongly with the claim "Clickers Increased student engagement in the classroom," with the remaining six percent of responding That They were the resource persons That neutral about the claim. (None of the faculty respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed with the claim.) Similarly, 69 percent of the 2.684 student respondents Agreed or Agreed strongly with the claim "Clickers led me changed from engaged in class," with only 13 percent disagreeing or strongly disagreeing That with the claim.

* Increase knowledge retention: In the Same University of Wisconsin study, 74 percent of the faculty respondents Agreed or Agreed strongly with the claim "Clickers have been beneficial to my students' learning," with the remaining 26 percent choosing a "neutral" response. (No faculty respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed with the claim.) Similarly, 53 percent of the student respondents Agreed or Agreed strongly with the claim "Clickers have been beneficial to my learning," with only 19 percent disagreeing or strongly disagreeing with That claim. In a different but related study, Catherine Crouch and Eric Mazur more directly measured the results of Peer Instruction and "ConcepTests" on student learning and retention of information at the end of a semester. Faculty members using this "Peer Instruction" Pedagogical technique present information to students, then ask the students a question That Their tests understanding of a key concept. Students indicate Their answer to the instructor using an audience response system, and then They discuss with Their fellow students why They chose a particular answer, Trying to Explain to one another Their underlying thinking. The instructor then ACKs the question again to see the new student results. The study authors Used Scanned forms and hand-raising for audience response in the initial year of the study, and then They switched to a computer-based audience response system Following in the years. The "clicker" use was only part of a multi-pronged attempt to Introduce peer instruction, but overalls They found That "the students taught with P [EER] I [instruction] (Spring 2000, N = 155) significantly outperformed the students taught traditionally (Spring 1999, N = 178) "on two standard tests - the" Force Concept Inventory and the Mechanics Baseline Test "- and on the traditional course exams as well. A Johns Hopkins study on the use of audience response systems in Continuing Medical Education (CME) for physicians and other health personnel found no significant difference in knowledge scores Between ARS and non-ARS participants in a clinical trial involving 42 round table programs across the United States.

* Poll Anonymously: Unlike a show of hands or a raising of cards with letters on Them, sending responses by hand-held remotes is much more anonymous. Perhaps except for a student (our audience member) WHO watches what the person next to uterus / her submits, the other students (or audience members) can not really see what the response his / her fellow audience members are giving, and the software That summarizes the results aggregates the responses, listing what percent of respondents chose a particular answer, but not what individual respondents said. With Some audience response systems, the software allows you to ask questions in truly anonymous fashion, so That the database (or "gradebook") is not even associating with individual respondents answers.

* Track individual responses: The "Clickers" that audience members use to send Their responses to the receiver (and thus to the presenter's computer) are Often registered to a particular user, with Some Kind of identifying number. When a user sends his / her response, the information is stored in a database (Sometimes Called the "Gradebook" in academic models of audience response systems) EACH associated with a particular number, and presenters have access to That information after the end of the interactive session. Audience response systems Often cans be linked to a learning management system, the which increases the ability to keep track of individual student performance in an academic setting.

* Display the poll results Immediately: The audience response system That includes software runs on the presenter's computer That records and tabulates the responses by audience members. Generally, once a question has ended (the poll from the audience has ceased), the software displays a bar chart indicating what percent of audience members chose the Various possible responses. For questions with right / wrong answers, audience members cans get immediate feedback about whether They chose the correct answer, since it cans be indicated on the bar chart. For survey-type polling questions, audience members can see from the summary how many other "audience members chose the Same response, along with how many audience members (or what percent of the audience) chose different responses.

* Create an interactive and fun learning environment: Clickers are in many Ways novel devices, so the novelty Itself cans add interest to the learning environment. More Important, though, is the interactive nature of audience response systems. Having been asked a particular question about a concept or opinion, students are genuinely Interested in seeing the results. They Want To learn if They Answered the question Correctly, and They Want to see how Their response compares to the responses of Their fellow audience members. The Increased student engagement Cited in the University of Wisconsin study (see footnote 1 below) attests to the ability of audience response systems to improv the learning environment.

* Confirm audience Immediately understanding of key points: In the University of Wisconsin study Cited Previously, faculty members were the resource persons in Their unanimous recognition of this key advantage of audience response systems. In other words, 100% of the faculty respondents Agreed or strongly Either Agreed with the claim "Clickers allowed me to assess student knowledge on a particular concept.". Also this benefit Students Recognized for Their own self-assessment. 75% of student respondents Agreed or Agreed strongly with the claim, "Clickers helped me get instant feedback on what I Knew and Did not Know." In a published article, a member of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst Physics Education Research Group (UMPERG) articulated this advantage in more detail, using the term "Classroom Communication System (CCS)" for what We have been calling an audience response system:

By Providing feedback to the instructor about students' background knowledge and preconceptions, CCS-based pedagogy cans help the instructor design learning and experiences Appropriate to student's state of knowledge and explicitly confront and resolve misconceptions. By Providing frequent feedback about students 'ongoing learning and confusions, it cans help an instructor dynamically adjust her teaching to students' real, immediate, changing needs.

* Gather data for reporting and analysis: Unlike other forms of audience participation (Such as a show of hands or holding up of response cards), audience response systems use software to record audience responses, and those responses are stored in a database. Database entries are linked to a particular user, based on Some ID number ENTERED INTO or the handheld remote device based on a registration Between the user and the company manufactures That the handheld device. Answers cans be analyzed over time, and the data cans be Used for educational research or other forms of analysis.

I hope the above explanation can be useful for you.
Thank you.

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