UFO incident in Jogja

Photographs UFO in Yogyakarta monitoring. There are traces of UFOs in Yogyakarta? Precisely in the rice fields Jogotirto, Berbah, Sleman that collapsed in the middle of rice fields that form a circle pattern that is very clean. So strange!

The trace of UFO photographs in Jogja see below. While discussing about the pattern of the first known circle Crop Circles! Crop Circles (crop circles) is a regular pattern that forms mysteriously in the area of agricultural fields, often overnight.

The phenomenon is often linked to the issue of UFOs or aliens were first discovered in Britain in late 1970 with a simple circle patterns. In the days following, this model tends to grow complex and not limited to the circle only. However, because the reference to its origins, the term still retains Crop Circles.

Based on information from residents whose homes are in the North Field on Saturday (22/01/2011) morning around 22.30 hours, heard a thud, like a helicopter. Was UFOs?

Source : Ganden Kohkono

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