How to care a good and efficient motor

Motor is a loyal friend, every morning we drove off to work, to accompany work, without complaining. Fuel prices soon rose, the motor will be more we need energy.
For that we must take care in your best, let the faithful ... even though his battered motor home we still can walk and no strikes, no problem right? in fact the older the age of the motor then it will be increasingly high artistic value.
There are a few tips on caring for our motors:

1. Wash your bike once a week, no need to wash their own but can not be washed with detergent soap for damaging the paint, preferably using shampoo motor, kalu more efficient use regular hair shampoo or dishwashing soap.

2. Wash the bike every day if the rainy season, because rain water contains alkaline which accelerate the rusting of metal.

3. Replace the engine every once in a month Olie (2000 km).

4. If using batteries basaha check once a month, do not let water dry batteries because the battery causing rapid wear and electricity is interrupted, for example: dim lights.

5. To treat the motor body paint can use shoe polish or lemon pledge is a kind of pengilap furniture, paint layer is not eroded proven karen lemon polish and coat the pledge is another reason for the motor if the motor overheats polished even more shiny, besides that of course because of price considerations cheaper.

6. After replacing the tires in or patching, do not hesitate to tell builders tires to wipe the inside rim because usually wet after patched, since this section will always be closed, if wet possibility can cause rusting.

7. Dampen exhaust with Olie if looks dry because of the motor 4 stroke exhaust is very dry and hot, this causes rapid exhaust porous.

8. Usually the latest output motors, chains and Geer will open because it is considered more sporty look, but this would cause rapid chain dry and dirty, because it is periodically clean the chain and Geer with kerosene, when it's clean then apply Olie retail machine cheaper, should not the former that has been soiled Olie.

9. If you use a brake drum motor canvas replace your brakes once every 4 months, do not wait until shiny and smooth canvas, because in such conditions the braking was not effective and may damage the drum.

10. To increase your safety, check brakes, lights and motor gasoline before traveling with your pet

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